Are you a motorcycle enthusiast looking to take your riding abilities to the next level?

Our 8-hour Advanced Skills Course is the perfect solution for you! This challenging course is a combination of our Precision & Control Course and Defensive Riding Course, providing riders with the ultimate skill set.

Precise Goals

Handle your motorcycle with precision even at low speeds.

Momentous instruction

Incorporate techniques mastered by police motorcycle officers


Live The Passion

Learn With Passion


Exercises practiced include Slow Cone Weave, Lane Change, Off-Set Cone Weave, Single & Double 360, Iron Cross, Straight Line Braking, Brake & Evade, Rear End Crash Avoidance, and much more

  • Even the most seasoned rider will benefit from this program.

  • Receive a certificate of completion, with new-found confidence

Share The Excitement

Motorcycle Camps


A seasoned rider should yearn to do more than weekend motorcycling. Get connected with like-minded, interested riders for cross-country trips and motorcycle camps.

  • Organized and led by seasoned riders who have done it before

  • Camps happen throughout the year with various routes and challenges

Feel The Excitement

Extreme Motorcycle Skills for Everyone

Increased safety

Advanced motorcycle skills training can improve a motorcycle rider’s ability to anticipate and avoid potential hazards, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries on the road.

Better bike control

This type of training can help riders improve their handling and control of their motorcycle, which can enhance their overall riding experience and make them more confident on the road.

Greater confidence

By mastering advanced motorcycle skills, riders can boost their confidence and feel comfortable in challenging situations, such as navigating tight turns or riding on wet or slippery surfaces.

Improved riding ability

Advanced motorcycle skills training can help riders develop a refined skill set and hone their abilities, allowing them to ride more efficiently, smoothly, and with greater precision.